Aboutme.SubinShares - Buy Mahindra & Mahindra Shares
Buy Mahindra & Mahindra Shares:-
It has passed the 1200.50 level and it will be sailing at a level of 1244 if nifty stands gaining. Always Buy at lower level and sure you will be gaining out of it. Also buy more shares and if it falls hold it for couple of days. It will grow surely.

Foreign Institutional Investors are buying this share in quantities.
Long investments in futures are seen and increased to 35%.
Big analysts are going for a price range of 1270 and i personally prefer to stay around 1244 and if it passes that 1261 is the target. Keep the target low at 1244.
Note: Invest with us and gain 25% Guaranteed Return Per Annum. Investment Amount is Rs. 50,000 and Rs. 100,000. You can take your profit on Monthly basis of 2% per month. A contract will be signed between you and the company. Double your money in 4 years.
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