Sunday, June 24, 2018

Tarunam Khaitan, Oxford Educated Analyses The Democracy from the data obtained by Culprit media

Dear Tarunam khaitan, Oxford educated and foreign educated, analyst, tells us democracy has to live like this without interference. Neither the press must be curtailed, nor people has been curtailed, nor religion must be curtailed, etc.

Mr dear Oxford chap, we are in 21st century, we know what the press do???

When India is growing at the rate of 7-8%, the whole India is laid by high end infrastructure, demonetization curtailed almost the illegal trade, GST made the whole India accountable, Education system is revamping, we attacked terrorist at their base, we released nurses from Iraq, by challenging ISIS, held China backward by standing Stern at Doklam, agriculturists getting money in their bank account, Now J&k problem is solved, when we are hunting the terrorist, what else an Oxford person wants????

A country is not run by emotions, and about press and newspaper, why all the newspaper tycoons are billionaires. How they made this much much money, which is unaccountable. So they must require freedom to manipulate money, manipulate politics, etc. This is not possible in today's world. Donald Trump put constraints on newspaper, still they are working....when press talks about dis-harmony, after getting fat from Congress, is this the press policy???  For the last 70, my dear Oxford was sleeping, not even any analysis came about Congress, why, b'coz now the country is going right and you and your filthy paper don't want the country to go right.

Is Congress not ruling like a Mughal Kingdom:- it's sad that starting from Nehru till now, Congress is running a Mughal empire. When that empire is breaking, why you people are worried. Rahul Gandhi is having Rs. 75000 CR in his Swiss bank account in different name, British national. Why is he worried about India and when he talks, he talks about prime Ministership. How sonia gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi amassed this money outside. I'm a deep follower of Rajiv Gandhi, because he made India a digital India.

Indian Constitution must change, we don't want copied Constitution, By Ambedkar.

Useless press just making money from Congress must be stopped.

Can you tell me did Congress did a fair election when they were in power?? Answer is no and never. Now still fair election and electronic election is taking place. If BJP is winning means they are working hard. All ministers are working day and night. What Congress was doing, they too were working to amass the wallet.

Education system was a gone case at the time of Congress. If you take the example of Karnataka, Rahul Gandhi selected a 8th STD person as education Minister. My dear Oxford, we are not highly educated like you but fairly educated.

Now in Modijis era, collector is going to the house and provides pension. You read my just published blog of the people, for the people and by the people. Why people were suffering for the last 70 years!!!!

Now the Ruling Govt nor the party ministers are controlling any department, not any council, nor any election Commission, either any commissions. All the NPAs of the bank are the gift of Dr. Manmohan Singh. Keep on feeding, till you get feeded. Today Chandha Kochar ICICI has told that Rs. 6000 CR NPA is there??? This is what Congress gives and will be giving, we don't want that!!!!

Now about your analysis, if you are putting up an analysis, source must be declared. If you are not declaring means what I have to say that maybe you and your paper also takes money from Congress to tarnish BJP.

21st century requires good leader, more projects and more growth internationally and domestically. We are getting it....what else we want. Next time when you write your analysis taking from Facebook, media, etc, first check it whether it is real or not. India is highly educated than before and beware.....

Kumar Prashant head of Gandhi Peace Foundation, teaching Politics without doing anything in

Kumar Prashant, you are the head of Gandhi peace Foundation, can you tell me in India what work you have done for the upliftment of people? Plainly speaking nothing....

Then your writing in Patrika newspaper, comparing Nehru, Indira and Modiji. Look I didn't say Nehruji or Indiraji b'coz this 2 leaders were doing work for the benefit of filling the wallet or the party. Nehru divided India b'coz he want to be the Prime Minister. He started Industrial revolution by stopping feed for farmers, by not giving anything for farmers. His character is very famous, we all know.

Indira Gandhi, she only created terrorism in Punjab. Both Indira and Nehru divided J& K from India b'coz he was in a love affair. All the terrorist have halted in J & k are the gift of Congress.

Then about Modiji, demonetization happened to bring black money into circulation, GST to make India accountable, all infrastructure and railway has been modernized. For the last 70 odd years, Congress was eating India. Now India is becoming a super power. India is No 1 country in the world.

We don't want you directors to make money and live lavish life. This is for you, Kumar. Now shut up and do something.......

We are not interested in your writing as you and your paper is used for filthy purposes.

Jabir Hussian complains To create India is in Trouble

Mr. jabir hussain, I want to ask you one thing, that in the last 70 years Muslim women were suffering and Muslim Girls were not getting educated, then what happened to you famous post you use to write against the Congress Govt. At that time, your pen was not writing bcoz you were licking the foot of the congress. Now the country is growing, and you want to show that the country and BJP Govt is creating crisis. Here no crisis is there, only the purpose to create crisis is in the mind of Congress, who spend billions of Rupees to create rape, disharmony and even type that lot of crisis is there in the country. Hussain when you die, what face you will be showing to the community and your kids, now let me explain, live like a lion, better than licking the Congress. they already are nailed in coffin.

Jai Modiji

This is the Democracy We are looking for

This is democracy of the people, for the people and by the people. The current BJP Government has changed the real meaning of democracy. Before when Congress was ruling, the country was in demo-crazy set-up.

This is what we require Rahul Gandhi, not your Stupid Demo-crazy policies.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Last Match Of Micheal Jordan - Good Motivation

The Match Of Micheal Jordan - Highly Motivational:-

The last match of Micheal Jordan, how he is fighting with Utah, Point by Point match. See it and take it in your heart, make you the meaning of success in your heart.

BJP PDP split in Jammu & Kashmir

BJP /PDP Split in Jammu & Kashmir:-

Its time for BJP to say Goodbye to the policies implemented by PDP who is favouring only terrorist. This policies has been started right from the 1st day of this alliance. Mufti Mohammed Syed is a terrorist, nothing different than Omar Abdullah, Geelani, etc are eating Kashmir with the help of Pakistan and Islamic Foundation.

Now we want to make a change and change in Jammu & Kashmir, is right now. For the last 2 days, no one Kashmiri is dared to throw stones on police or army.

See the Interview with Subramaniam Swamy:-

Trump Want Kid To Be Taken From Family

Trump Want Kids To Be Taken From Family:-

America Quits Human Rights Council citing that New Reforms are not taking place in Human Rights Council and mentioned the Council as “A Cesspool of Political Bias”. Yes this council is doing Political Bias to America, when the policy of taking kids from their parents comes, then Human Rights will interfere. To boycott this, Trump Administration has taken excuse and quits the Human Rights Council. Even this policy was betrayed by none other than Mrs. Trump. What else the American Government want???


US Ambassador to UN, Nikki Haley, states that “Regrettably it is now clear that our call for reforms was not headed” and continued “Human Rights Abusers continue to serve on, and be elected to, the council”. Is she was talking about United States, that they started abusing the kids too, by taking their rights to live with the parents. And in America, every kid will be free at the menial age of 15, then what else Trump administration required.


Policyof Child Separation:-

Trump Administration want the Kids of US Southern Border to be separated from the families because they are illegally crossing the border and indulge in drugs, high security smuggling, etc. These students can’t be put in Adult Jail, as the culprits may be using them for sex or teach illegal activities. So the best thing they wanted the kids to be separated. Almost 75% of the people, the ruling member party and Democratic Party oppose this action. Even Some ruling members cited that, “Kids are not animals to be separated from Parents”. I want to tell them that even Calf of cow will be separated only when the owner thinks that the calf will start eating, not before that. So first I have to say that,” Trump Child must be separated from his family”, let’s see what it will be for them.


Trump has come up with the issue of Democratic Party that they want illegal immigrants to flow in and it will be vote bank for the Democratic. In the time of Democratic rule, they even attacked Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan and killed him. So how can Trump administration say that?


Kids Are The Asset for the Family and State:-

Even in the books like Mahabharata, Ramayana, Bible and Koran never told or recited about taking kids from their parents, which will harm them emotionally and physically. So, this is the right of every kid to be protected by the state and also by the family. Then how does Trump Administration come up with such a Hooligan issue??? This is just a shadow to implement the system of immigration, with Build a Wall on the southern border, as this will tend to drop trade with Mexico. This is just to create a big divide, to keep Mexico’s trade in check. But without Mexico’s trade, almost all the business person will be facing a tough task as United States is having huge surplus by trading with Mexico. Border issues, drugs, immigration is a continuous process, it can be curbed not stopped. Do policies, to curb immigrants coming to USA and curb US Citizen going to Mexico, through a procedural process, better than harming the ongoing Human Rights violation. What can America Boast off??? About 2,342 children had been separated from 2,206 parents, a bitter process, as a parent how Trump Administration can boast off???


As per the child psychology, it’s easy to delink kids from their parents, but what will the US Government pay for doing this? Every mom and dad, though living in their home without their kids will be at high emotional trauma. And if you look from the kid’s point of view, they will be living like animals, fighting and curbing, and even they will be emotionally harmed physically and mentally. Who has got the patience to look after the kid, only the mother has?? No one in the world has the patience to look after other’s kid; it’s considered to be emotional blackmail from the US government.


President Trump must take the phone and cancel this proposal, within this instance, or will be getting a huge rebuttal in the coming election, due to this stance. Human Rights Violation is not the thing to be lectured, Nikki Halley; it must be done and implemented properly. I think the American Government want not to create a good citizen, but create a world full of robbers, killers, etc, thus this policy will work good. I will not allow my kids to be taken to any camps of home administration….that for sure!!!!!

News Update:-

While i was writing about this child separation policy headed by Trump Administration, a good and bad news came to the forefront of my Laptop. Donald Trump has revoked the policy of Child Separation and added one note that they will be taking the whole family together. Another issue will be borne???

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Trump Wants Kids To Be Separated From Family

Trump Want Kids Must Be Separated From Family???
America Quits Human Rights Council citing that New Reforms are not taking place in Human Rights Council and mentioned the Council as “A Cesspool of Political Bias”. Yes this council is doing Political Bias to America, when the policy of taking kids from their parents comes, then Human Rights will interfere. To boycott this, Trump Administration has taken excuse and quits the Human Rights Council. Even this policy was betrayed by none other than Mrs. Trump. What else the American Government want???

US Ambassador to UN, Nikki Haley, states that “Regrettably it is now clear that our call for reforms was not headed” and continued “Human Rights Abusers continue to serve on, and be elected to, the council”. Is she was talking about United States, that they started abusing the kids too, by taking their rights to live with the parents. And in America, every kid will be free at the menial age of 15, then what else Trump administration required.

Trump Administration want the Kids of US Southern Border to be separated from the families because they are illegally crossing the border and indulge in drugs, high security smuggling, etc. These students can’t be put in Adult Jail, as the culprits may be using them for sex or teach illegal activities. So the best thing they wanted the kids to be separated. Almost 75% of the people, the ruling member party and Democratic Party oppose this action. Even Some ruling members cited that, “Kids are not animals to be separated from Parents”. I want to tell them that even Calf of cow will be separated only when the owner thinks that the calf will start eating, not before that. So first I have to say that,” Trump Child must be separated from his family”, let’s see what it will be for them.

Trump has come up with the issue of Democratic Party that they want illegal immigrants to flow in and it will be vote bank for the Democratic. In the time of Democratic rule, they even attacked Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan and killed him. So how can Trump administration say that?

Kids Are The Asset for the Family and State:-
Even in the books like Mahabharata, Ramayana, Bible and Koran never told or recited about taking kids from their parents, which will harm them emotionally and physically. So, this is the right of every kid to be protected by the state and also by the family. Then how does Trump Administration come up with such a Hooligan issue??? This is just a shadow to implement the system of immigration, with Build a Wall on the southern border, as this will tend to drop trade with Mexico. This is just to create a big divide, to keep Mexico’s trade in check. But without Mexico’s trade, almost all the business person will be facing a tough task as United States is having huge surplus by trading with Mexico. Border issues, drugs, immigration is a continuous process, it can be curbed not stopped. Do policies, to curb immigrants coming to USA and curb US Citizen going to Mexico, through a procedural process, better than harming the ongoing Human Rights violation. What can America Boast off??? About 2,342 children had been separated from 2,206 parents, a bitter process, as a parent how Trump Administration can boast off???

As per the child psychology, it’s easy to delink kids from their parents, but what will the US Government pay for doing this? Every mom and dad, though living in their home without their kids will be at high emotional trauma. And if you look from the kid’s point of view, they will be living like animals, fighting and curbing, and even they will be emotionally harmed physically and mentally. Who has got the patience to look after the kid, only the mother has?? No one in the world has the patience to look after other’s kid; it’s considered to be emotional blackmail from the US government.

President Trump must take the phone and cancel this proposal, within this instance, or will be getting a huge rebuttal in the coming election, due to this stance. Human Rights Violation is not the thing to be lectured, Nikki Halley; it must be done and implemented properly. I think the American Government want not to create a good citizen, but create a world full of robbers, killers, etc, thus this policy will work good. I will not allow my kids to be taken to any camps of home administration….that for sure!!!!!

News Update:-

While i was writing about this child separation policy headed by Trump Administration, a good and bad news came to the forefront of my Laptop. Donald Trump has revoked the policy of Child Separation and added one note that they will be taking the whole family together. Another issue will be borne???