Aboutme.SubinHouseHold - How To Make A Good Egg Curry
How To Make A Good Egg Curry:
Eating a good Egg Curry in winter is good as it will keep your body warm. For 1 member think that we're using 2 eggs per person, you can count on any number of members.
I'm just using 4 eggs as an example for 2 members. Boil 4 eggs in a tumbler for about 10 minutes. When you boil, please close the tumbler with a cover so that boiling will be faster and we use less cooking gas too. "Save Energy".
Meanwhile take 2 onion, a piece of ginger, 2 green chilly, 4 pieces of garlic and cut it to pieces. After cutting put it in a mixer and make a paste of it.
Then marinate it by putting it in a cooking pan and do it till you make it golden brown. You have to do it in a low flame otherwise it will not marinate faster. Meanwhile, off the boiling egg and after sometime peel the cover of it.
After marinating till it seems like golden brown, add salt to it. Then add turmeric powder about 3/4th of a spoon, Chilli powder 3/4 of the spoon and coriander powder 1/2 of the spoon and start mixing it for about 5 minutes. After that add some water means how much curry are you looking for.
After you peel the eggs, make a small cross [which can't be seen] with you knife on the egg so that the ingredients of curry gets in. Then put this egg inside the curry. Let the curry boil in a low flame. 
Meanwhile pour the curry on the egg with a spoon till you finish it. The ingredient will enter the egg and make it more tasty. When the curry started boiling for at least 10 minutes, you can stop. Keep pouring the curry on the egg now and then for at least 10 times.
Then say how is your egg curry? Try it at home and reply at
greatsubin2012@gmail.com. Thanking you.
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