Friday, May 22, 2015

Anju Jain Must Be The CEO Of Deutsche Bank

Deutsche Bank "Insurance", "Loans", "Mortgage" though promoted Anju Jain as Co-CEO, but share holders are not happy with it. A Non-European as CEO is not easy to digest for bank. Targets can be met not within a month period or two. It will at least take 18 - 24 months to see where the bank standing after coming out of crisis.

News: Fly Air Asia

Jain has already got the target to reduce cost upto 4.7 Billion Euros, also, sold Post bank Retail Business. Last he had already delivered almost 85% of the profit, but due to bad fine settlement "Claim" of 2.5 Billion Euros put them in a fix.

The share of Deutsche Bank had fallen to 6%. Lot of things to fix, but it will take time. Next two quarters will be gloomy, but the final quarter can see where the Bank is moving. That creates the career of Anju Jain in "Insurance", "Loans" and "Mortgage"

News: Fly Air Asia